Downloading and installing C3PM

To publish and install package to and from the C3PM registry, you need the C3PM command line interface.

Installing a prebuilt release

We provide prebuilt binaries directly in github release

You can download packages there or use our repos when available



No c++ compiler is being installed alongside c3pm, this is left to the user

Debian 11, Ubuntu 20, Mint 20, PopOs 20+

apt update
apt install ./c3pm_0.0.1_linux_amd64.deb


C3PM provides a tap to install and update it easily

brew tap c3pm-labs/c3pm
brew install c3pm
ctpm -v


We do not yet have repositories to easily install c3pm on Windows.

You should download windows archive in github release. Installation of CMake and a c++ compiler is left to the user.

Building from source

To build from source you will need the following:

Start by cloning the C3PM repository:

git clone
cd c3pm

Then build and install the project:

mkdir build
go build -o build/ctpm
sudo install build/ctpm /usr/bin

You should now have the c3pm tool globally available.
